Strict Standards: Non-static method BoDbMain::esc() should not be called statically in /home/grasehein-de/htdocs/blitzortung/includes/ on line 157
Strict Standards: Non-static method BoDbMain::do_query() should not be called statically in /home/grasehein-de/htdocs/blitzortung/includes/classes/Db/Mysqli.class.php on line 37
Strict Standards: Non-static method BoDbMain::do_query() should not be called statically in /home/grasehein-de/htdocs/blitzortung/includes/classes/Db.class.php on line 39
Strict Standards: Non-static method BoDbMain::esc() should not be called statically in /home/grasehein-de/htdocs/blitzortung/includes/ on line 157
Strict Standards: Non-static method BoDbMain::do_query() should not be called statically in /home/grasehein-de/htdocs/blitzortung/includes/classes/Db.class.php on line 39
Strict Standards: Non-static method BoDbMain::esc() should not be called statically in /home/grasehein-de/htdocs/blitzortung/includes/classes/Data.class.php on line 18
Strict Standards: Non-static method BoDbMain::do_query() should not be called statically in /home/grasehein-de/htdocs/blitzortung/includes/classes/Db.class.php on line 39
Strict Standards: Non-static method BoDbMain::esc() should not be called statically in /home/grasehein-de/htdocs/blitzortung/includes/classes/Data.class.php on line 18
Strict Standards: Non-static method BoDbMain::do_query() should not be called statically in /home/grasehein-de/htdocs/blitzortung/includes/classes/Db.class.php on line 39
Strict Standards: Non-static method BoDbMain::esc() should not be called statically in /home/grasehein-de/htdocs/blitzortung/includes/classes/Data.class.php on line 18
Strict Standards: Non-static method BoDbMain::do_query() should not be called statically in /home/grasehein-de/htdocs/blitzortung/includes/classes/Db.class.php on line 39
Strict Standards: Non-static method BoDbMain::esc() should not be called statically in /home/grasehein-de/htdocs/blitzortung/includes/classes/Data.class.php on line 18
Strict Standards: Non-static method BoDbMain::do_query() should not be called statically in /home/grasehein-de/htdocs/blitzortung/includes/classes/Db.class.php on line 39
Statistiques avancées, principalement pour l'exploitant de la station.
Temps résiduel
Strict Standards: Non-static method BoDbMain::esc() should not be called statically in /home/grasehein-de/htdocs/blitzortung/includes/ on line 157
Strict Standards: Non-static method BoDbMain::do_query() should not be called statically in /home/grasehein-de/htdocs/blitzortung/includes/classes/Db.class.php on line 39
Le temps résiduel est déterminé pour station à partir du signal mesuré et affiché sous forme d'histogramme. Les espaces verts représentent la foudre où la station de Hürtgenwald a été impliqué . Les zones en rouge montrent cependant un moment approprié, mais pas de prise en compte des signaux de la station
Strict Standards: Non-static method BoDbMain::esc() should not be called statically in /home/grasehein-de/htdocs/blitzortung/includes/classes/Data.class.php on line 18
Strict Standards: Non-static method BoDbMain::do_query() should not be called statically in /home/grasehein-de/htdocs/blitzortung/includes/classes/Db.class.php on line 39
Pour détecter et localiser la foudre, un minimum de 8 stations doivent recevoir le signal.
L'échelle est logarithmique
Historique du nombre de participants
Nombre de participants. Vous pouvez voir l'historique du nombre de participants et la moyenne .
Détection des déviations
Pour chaque coup de foudre la déviation est calculée
Historique des déviations
Évolution dans le temps de la déviation moyenne de la foudre.
Historique de la distance moyenne avec la station Hürtgenwald. Vous pouvez estimer la sensibilité des stations en comparant les deux lignes.